1. Click on the LOGIN/REGISTER menu link and create a free account
2. Click on the CREATE A RECORD menu link and create and save your page
3. Click on the shopping cart and purchase your page
Because the data in question has been marked "Private" under the Privacy Settings. Now you need to add the family members to the Page Membership section. Then the family members must create an account using the same email address you used in setting them up.
Notes for completing data sections
This section is self-explanatory. However, here are some notes that might prove helpful.
Born and Died fields -
Only the year is required. Also, if you are not sure of the date check the Approximation Only box.
Is this person living field -
This field allows a living person to create their own page (who knows more about us than us). Checking the Yes box reveals the My wishes upon my passing field. In this new field you have unlimited space to record your last wishes. This space can also be used for information such as your executor’s contact information, funeral arrangements, where important papers are stored, what happens to your pets, who gets what and so on.
Grave images assist visitors in finding the resting place. This is especially true for scattered ashes. Google navigation will get you to the scattered ashes site, but photos of the exact spot will let visitors know they are standing along side the departed one.
It is helpful to add a title description to each photo to describe what a person it looking at. For example, a helpful description for a cemetery plot image would be the "The cemetery name, section and lot number" or "The view from the plot looking west". Similar information will help the visitor locate the final resting place.

This section is for all the cool pictures related to this departed soul.
A good format for entering the schools is date, name of school, state and city. Entering school information in this field provides a way to search for other people that went to the same school.
This section makes it easy to find information pertaining to military service. Important information includes tour dates, branch of service, rank, job, wars fought in, metals, and narrative of participation.
This is a very important section which allows future generations to visit places where relatives lived. There are two sections, one is a list of the addresses and the second is a collection of images showing the places lived. If you don't have images you should try entering the addresses into a Google map and then going to Street View and perform and save a screen capture. The resulting image can then be uploaded to this section.
By entering career information into this section allows searchers to find other people that worked at the same place at the same time.
This section allows you to provide a narrative of a person's accomplishments and honors. These can reflect their personal or work lives.
This section is a place to permanently record genealogical data. The Page Number field allows you to link a relative's page. If a relatives page already exist, simply enter that relatives page number and the name fields will automatically be populated.
The page number is found at the lower left corner of a person's page.

Here is the perfect place to create a narrative about the person's life. A place to tell funny stories, stories about their early life, stories about their happy moments and about their struggles.
Use this section as you see fit. One use would be to explain the provenance of this person's information. For example: "The Military Service information came from an old Army buddy, John Smith", "Most of the Media Album images came from her son, Bobby" or "The Genealogy information came from her family bible".
This section allows you to control which pieces of data are made public and which pieces are viewable only by those individuals invited by you under the Page Membership section.
This section is where you can authorize specific people to view data labeled as private. In addition, you can assign editing permissions to specific people for specific pieces of data. This is nice if you want input from other family members or friends.
This section is one of the most important sections. With this information future generations can find directions to one's final resting place. Whether the final resting place is a burial, scattered ashes or a known location for unrecoverable remains such as those in a ship or plane on the bottom of the ocean knowing their location is a comfort to family members and friend.
Two methods are available to mark a grave site:
- Enter an address or city and state or intersecting roadways or a place name into the Get Location box at the top of the map. You can also enter GPS coordinates using this format:
38.706828193978 -77.08874233067002 - Zoom all the way into the map and click on the exact final resting place location.
In either case, you can click and drag the map marker for a more precise location.
Multiple map markers can be created for ashes scattered in multiple places.